During my senior year of high school (Spring 2014), I was anonymously nominated and awarded at Southfield Youth Assistance Youth Recognition ceremony. I went form an awardee to joining the volunteer board during my Sophomore year of college. I served on the Southfield Youth Assistance volunteer board for 2 years as the Co-Chairperson of Fundraising & Events and Membership Committees.
Here are some experiences during my time at this organization.
Southfield Youth Assistance
NHS Volunteer Group Fundraising for SYA
National Honor Society Teen Volunteer Group at Family Ice Skate Night
Families at Ice Skate Night

Firefighter Gear Demo at Partnerning for Parents Expo

Youth Art at Partnering for Parents eXpo

Southfield Parks & Rec at Partnering for Parents Expo

Partnering for Parents Expo Flyer

Family Night Flyer
Why Southfield Youth Assistance?
What drew me to Southfield Youth Assistance was that the organization was volunteer-led and I was surrounding by community members that genuinely cared about my community. Southfield, MI is a predominately Black suburb of Detroit, MI and where I grew up going to school. I enjoyed being able to directly serve a community I grew up around. This experience also contributed to my learning experience of working in a non-profit, fundraising, and event coordination. During my time on the board, I’ve recruited new volunteers and board members, connected with local teen volunteer groups, was the lead chairperson for 4 family events.
Even after I served 2 years on the volunteer board, the organization invited me to be the keynote speaker at the 2018 Youth Recognition Ceremony, the same ceremony I was recognized at back in high school.
SYA Youth Recognition Key Note Speaker
In Spring 2018, I was asked to be the keynote speaker at the Southfield Youth Assistance (SYA) Youth Recognition Breakfast, the same ceremony I was awarded at 4 years prior. Awardees are anonymously nominated by educators and school counselors for the following categories:
Outstanding Community Service, Personal Achievement, and Academic Achievement.
Here is a video of the speech I gave at the ceremony in Spring 2018. The audio is hard to hear, click here for a transcript of the speech.
Taylor-Nicole Keynote Speech at Southfield Youth Assistance Youth Recognition Ceremony