
Portraits of Myself & Others

I made these pieces of myself during a tough transitional time. I’ve struggled with “imposter syndrome” all my life, feeling like I’m not good enough to make art, I’m not Black enough or that I don’t fit in. In the years of learning and loving my ever changing self, I’ve discovered the root of imposter syndrome: white supremacy. In reality, there are no rules in how I should live my life. Everyday I am unlearning to uphold myself to a certain standard that this white-centered world. Life is about play and exploration. My very existence is art in itself. Below are 2 self portraits of myself, and 1 of my childhood best friend of over a decade.

Other Work Exploring Imposter Syndrome & Validity

Outside of exploring myself through these pieces I’ve created, I’ve also shared my thoughts on my validity as a Black person and artist on both my blog and podcast. I’d love for you to learn and explore more about my process.

Click here to read “You’re Artist Dammit” Blog Post

Click here to listen to “Black Enough” on Trixie Chats Podcast


Baby Girl At The Bus Stop


Decoupage & Papier-mâché