Asé Theatre

Formerly Known as Griot Girlz

It is our mission to engage the community in the art of storytelling through cultural practice and performance.

It is through liberation we combat oppression.

​Story reveals.

Story heals.


Djembe Drummer

& Griot

Taylor-Nicole • Djembe Drummer • & Griot •

African Dance & Drum

Asé Theatre offers free drum and dance circles at Judkins Park to educate and connect community to the African Diaspora. Drum circles are led by Sumayya Diop and Olisa Enrico.

Participating in these drum circles has provided creative healing for me, improved my drumming skills, and has helped me feel connected to my culture. I now implement African Drumming into all of my theater workshops. I firmly believe if you have a heart beat, you are a drummer.

Asé Theatre also offers paid performing arts opportunities with various dance and theater styles for all ages.

Griot Girlz Drumming Workshop

Drumming Experiences

My participation in Griot Girlz has ignited my love for drumming.

In the left video, I was drumming with community elder Nana Kibibi Monie at the Seattle Baha’i community event. Nana Kibibi was performing a Black History Rap and I was drumming.

In the right video, I had an opportunity to travel to Belize in 2018.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to connect with locals and share this experience.

The Power of Drumming

Drumming is a powerful indigenous practice. My personal philosophy is that 1. If you have a heartbeat, you’re a drummer and 2. Anything can be a drum.

I had a very powerful experience drumming in the park one day. I was drumming and meditating while watching the sunset. I paused playing for one moment and noticed a drumming pattern clanking in the distance. I looked across the park and saw a younger kid drumming against the swing poles and performing for me. It was so beautiful to hear the kid’s talent and watch the performance. This moment is caught on camera.

Our conversation later in the park:

Me: Hi, you’re so good! Are you a drummer?

Kid: I’m Samoan and learning to play the guitar.

Me: How long have you been playing?

Kid: 2 months.

Me: Aww, awesome, keep going, stick with it. You’re so talented.

The Samoan kid was referencing. the kirikiti game also known as Samoan Cricket. Kirikiti matches are occur regularly at Jefferson park. I love that the kid’s first answer to my question “I’m Samoan.” This is my heritage and I’m proud of that. I feel that same power when I say “I’m Black, with a capital B.”

A sunset evening drumming in the park, allowed a moment of connection with this Samoan kid.

Click here to learn more about Kirikiti and the South Seattle Samoan Community.

Dispersed: The Womxn of Region 6

A multimedia production that layers image, music and live theater that is built in cycles of life, death and transformation.

I am grateful to be part of the production team of Dispersed. This production is a collaborative effort allowing me opportunity to deepen my theatre and writing skills, gain skills in stage production, social media, and providing me opportunities to teach and support the cast. Buy tickets now.

Watch the live table read of Dispersed at Langston Hughes Theatre Seattle

I was one of the stage managers for the live table read in 2021.

2021 Dispersed: Womxn of Region 6 live table read at Langston Hughes

Gxrlz Act

Asé Theatre offers training programs and intensives for Black & Brown youth girls, women, and gender expansive folks. I had the opportunity to lead activities, engage with, and learn along side these young people.

Interested in a drum or music circle with myself or other drummers in the Greater Seattle Area? Contact Me, and get connected!


Acting Up Improv


7x7 Showcase